Kiss Marry Kill

by Rock A Lot Games



And how do you play this social game on a phone you ask? Why, cards of course! Cards make everything better!We are in no way encouraging to gamble. Dont gamble. Its not cool. Also this is not a gambling game. But still. Cards!Recognize some people? Who would you want to kiss, marry, or kill?Cards!Select a card with a person and decide if youd like to kiss, marry or kill them. Then play it on that spot. And earn some points!Whoever has more points at the end wins!Also theres accesories. Those increase your points too. But only if you play them in the appropriate spot!Its not that difficult. You wouldnt want to marry someone in a clowns wig, right?Right?Actually, nevermind. You do you. We dont judge.GAME FEATURES-Play against an opponentBecause all card games need an opponent. Actually, scratch that. Theres solitaire. And Spider. And Im sure there are more. Well now I feel silly.-Place cards on spotsYes! You can actually MOVE the cards! They are NOT frozen! Thats awesome if you ask me. Also, youre awesome.-AccesorizeBecause accesories make everything better. Or, not. They can be harmful too. As in, you can use them to make your opponent lose points. Thats cool.